November 2012 - Get Hooked 360 Inc.

Facebook Marketing Tips for Better Engagement

Engagement is one unique and very special attribute of digital marketing. It literally encourages participation and interaction of consumers making this the more strategic, effective and cost efficient marketing approach…

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Customer Loyalty through Digital Marketing

Whether it’s  using Facebook, Twitter or a customized app to engage customers, experts know that having the right Digital Marketing strategy can help boost customer loyalty. Today, more and more…

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Instagram Launches Web Profiles

Instagram (a mobile-only social platform) recently launched their web profiles. Now, Instagram users are able to customize their profile look, comment on photos, and follow other Instagram users using computers, laptops…

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Increase Brand Awareness with Internet Marketing

The strategic use of Social Media is one of the most convenient ways of sharing information and interacting with the rest of internet users around the world. As compared to…

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Building Your Brand’s Social Media Voice

The term “policy” could be such a constricting word, especially in the world of social media. But, in a digital landscape where it is easy to share thoughts in Facebook…

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Create an Effective E-mail Marketing Strategy

In spite of the rapid growth of social media consumption in today’s online community, e-mail marketing remains to be an essential part of any digital marketing campaign. People who go…

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