Customer Engagement, Support & Service Agency | Get Hooked 360
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The Role of a Customer Engagement Agency

Customer Engagement, Support & Service Agency

The problem?

Many brands miss the boat. Slow responses, generic messaging, and a lack of customer engagement leave customers feeling ignored.

Get Hooked 360 transforms your social media into a thriving community hub. Customers are people after all. No matter which platform they contact, they want businesses to provide them with top-notch customer service.

The Stats Don't Lie:
78% of people go online to learn about brands.
64% actively research brands online before buying.
92% use Facebook Messenger to connect with businesses.

The solution?

That’s where Get Hooked 360 steps in.

A customer service company like ours offers a suite of solutions to transform your customer engagement experience, going beyond just managing your social media and helping increase customer satisfaction.

Customers are undeniably one of the main pillars of many businesses. Without them, not only will businesses fail to grow, but they will also lose their purpose.

Many industry experts remind and urge businesses to prioritize customer satisfaction if they want to be successful in their respective industries. However, some challenges can arise from competitors, lack of online visibility, brand feedback, events, and more.

Go the extra mile and accommodate customers of all shapes, sizes, nationalities, and personalities with Get Hooked 360’s customer engagement strategies. Our team of experts can help you understand the online activities of the audiences that flock to your brand. We help you see how you can enhance their experience so they keep coming back for more.

By partnering withGet Hooked 360you can expect:

Service Guarantee

Guaranteed coverage of all inquiries

  • Omni-channel management for your brand
  • Clear target resolution of all concerns 
  • Clear service indicators (response rate, sentiment tracking, etc. )

Brand Voice & Consideration Driver

Help drive the education and consideration for the brand 

  • Responsive to inquiries in a human tone rather than autoreply 
  • Drive customer awareness and education by driving proactive suggestions and solutions

Customer Lifetime Value

Help drive purchase, trial, and repeat purchase 

  • Push for online sales
  • Loyalty or Rewards Program 
  • Database management 
  • Customer profiling 
  • Sentiment Analysis Reports
  • Social Listening

Who Needs Customer Engagement Services the Most?

Tap into an often overlooked aspect of a business and build connections with your customers. Your business is more likely to need customer engagement strategies.

Our Services

Community Management

Inquiry Management for the Brand’s official Online Properties from Social Media Pages, to E-mail, to E-Commerce Shops.

Event Management

Live Video/Watch Party, Promos, Winner Coordination, etc.

Playbook Creation

Drafting FAQ documents, creating a social media playbook, methodizing process flow.


Analytical Reports

Sentiment Analysis Reports, Social Listening Reports.

Crisis Management

Respond to crisis in an orderly and timely manner to prevent losing customers.

Case Studies

Digital-Driven Growth

A market leader facing stagnant sales and needing to convert product trialists into loyal users.


Digital-Driven Growth

A market leader facing stagnant sales and needing to convert product trialists into loyal users.

Get Hooked 360 implemented a comprehensive digital strategy, including:

✓ Lead Generation Campaign: Built a customer database for targeted outreach.
✓ One-on-One Engagement: Identified non-trialists and converted them to trial users.
✓ Logistics Management: Coordinated nationwide trial pack distribution.
✓ Database Management: Segmented data to target non-users for conversion.


• 210k+ Leads Generated: Exceeded signup goals by a significant margin.
• High Engagement Rate: Surpassed industry benchmarks for audience interaction.
• Trial-to-Customer Conversion: Increased product adoption and customer base.

Digital-to-Offline Conversion

A new product launch in a traditionally doctor-focused marketing space needed a cost-effective way to reach consumers directly.


Digital-to-Offline Conversion

A new product launch in a traditionally doctor-focused marketing space needed a cost-effective way to reach consumers directly.

Get Hooked 360 created a digital strategy to bypass traditional channels and:

✓ Generate Leads: Leveraged Facebook Lead Generation to build a robust customer database.
✓ Build Awareness & Engagement: Educated and engaged potential customers.
✓ Convert Leads to Sales: Utilized a telesales team to nurture leads and drive purchases.
✓ Track & Analyze Data: Managed the customer database to monitor conversion rates and purchase behavior.


• Explosive Lead Generation: Achieved a 3-month lead target in just 3 days, exceeding initial goals by 6x (36,000+ leads).
• High Conversion Rates: Telesales efforts yielded a 44% conversion rate, significantly exceeding the industry benchmark of 10-15%.
• Increased Revenue: Achieved an average purchase size exceeding traditional channels, boosting overall revenue.

User Retention

A health and wellness innovator faced declining sales due to low-cost competition and changing consumer habits. User retention hovered around a low 13%. The brand lacked user data to understand its customer base.


User Retention

A health and wellness innovator faced declining sales due to low-cost competition and changing consumer habits. User retention hovered around a low 13%. The brand lacked user data to understand its customer base.

Get Hooked 360 implemented a data-driven CRM campaign focused on:

✓ Community Building: Fostered a sense of belonging among users.
✓ Educational Content: Provided valuable information on health and wellness topics.
✓ On-Ground Integration: Hosted events and activities for user engagement.
✓ Rewards Program: Incentivized product usage and loyalty.
✓ Data Collection & Analysis: Built a user database with detailed profiles and consumption data.


• Engaged User Base: Established a database of nearly 40,000 users with weight profiles and product usage data.
• Retention Boost: Increased customer retention rate from 13% to 48% during the campaign.
• Segmented Marketing: Segmented users based on weight profiles and dietary behavior for targeted communication.
• Benchmark-Beating Conversions: Achieved conversion rates 8x higher than global benchmarks for the category.

Our Clients

sizzlin steal
teriyaki boy
jamba juice

Ready to set-up your brand for success?


Let us help you achieve your brand or business objectives. Whatever’s on your mind, feel free to drop us a message and we’ll let you know how we can help.